Influence Every Day

Influence Every Day

Hosted by: Dr. Ed Tori

Do you want to get to the next level in your communication? To turn everyday moments into impactful and unforgettable change agents? The Influence Every Day Show is for you if you're ready to level up every...

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009 Toggling Empathy

Toggling Empathy - For Deeper Influence and A Better Path Forward  influence-009-toggling-empathy-02-audio.mp3 I am an empath extremist; I feel what others feel and I extend it beyond them. If it's joy, I feel it and...
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008 End-of-Life Reflections

End-of-Life Reflections influence-008-end-of-life-reflections-01-audio.mp3 For nine years, I managed patients before and after cardiac surgery and noticed that every single person – no matter their culture, gender,...
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007 Two-Do Lists - Your Productivity (& Mood) Will Skyrocket

Two-Do: ToDo Lists & How To Skyrocket Your Productivity (& Mood) Managing your to-do list has the potential to change how you respond to the world, how you show up, and even who you are. How is that possible?...
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006 Three Transformative Reframes

How Rapid Reframes Can Change Lives Almost In An Instant ... (and you can make it a habit)  After demonstrating the power reframes can have on our own emotions in episode 001, the obvious pushback would be, "Yeah, but...
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005 Can Your Mask Make You A Better Public Speaker?

Can wearing a mask help you improve your public speaking abilities?  Absolutely.  If you were to look at the advice that coaches and public speaking trainers give those who are learning to be better public speakers or...
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004 The Body Language of Listening

Body language can be cause AND effect. For example, when we have rapport with someone, we tend to exhibit certain behaviors (matching, mirroring, eyebrow flash, etc). If we want to establish rapport, we can start by...
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003 Deliberate Practice Because Practice Makes... What?

Deliberate Practice Because Practice Makes... What? With any new skill, we begin unconsciously incompetent. Not only can we not perform the activity, but we don’t even know its relevance. A period of discovery...
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002 What We Can Learn From 2 Truths and A Lie?

What can a fun ice-breaker teach us about discomfort, misunderstanding, and anywhere our communication goes wrong? How can we take a simple game and use it to improve our most important relationships? Have you heard...
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001 Change the Frame, Change the Response

The Influence Every Day podcast will change the way you see your world. This episode introduces the idea of how frames shape our emotions and our experiences. Changing the frame and you change the world - or at least...
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