Influence, persuasion, rapport and body language are essential aspects of absolutely every relationship we have. Mastering them happens to be the highest-yield productivity tool known to humankind... and I can help you.


Keynote Speaker

Engaging speaker on powerful topics. Audiences engage, laugh, and learn... and leave his presentations with concrete, actionable takeaways. Virtual keynotes, too!

Influence Coach

The best performers in the world use coaches. Dr. Tori coaches professionals like you who want to advance their careers AND have great relationships. 1:1 coaching and accountability.


If you have a cardiac problem, you consult a cardiologist. If you have an influence or communication problem, you consult Dr. Tori. Organizations or individuals.

"I feel like a student in your presence, you probably hear this a lot, I feel like I learn something valuable, something that I can carry and apply in my everyday existence, which is truly a gift and I thank you for that!"

Nicole P.

"We canā€™t thank you enough for the outstanding keynote address at the Leadership Conference and the engaging break-out session, too. You were amazing & Iā€™ve heard so many positive comments. "

Jayne D.
Professional Development

"Your presentation yesterday was FANTASTIC. Your ideas and presentation styles were compelling and participants were speaking about your talk long after you left. Thanks again for your time and it was great working with you!"

Dr. Stephen M.

Dr. Tori's Influence A.I. Clone

Wait... what?!Ā 

Yep, it's true. It's Dr. Tori's AI clone - and you can askĀ "him" any questions you want about influence, persuasion, body language, rapport, communication and behavior change.Ā 

Dr. Tori's A.I. clone has been trained on decades of his talks, frameworks, notes, workshops, and more. You can talk to "him" too and it's Dr. Tori's voice. (Video consultations too, coming soon)

Talk to / Chat with Dr. Tori's AI Clone

Defense Against the Dark Arts of Influence

It is not enough to do good in the world. Sometimes, you have to stop the bad. In Defense Against the Dark Arts of Influence, Dr. Tori exposes the nefarious attempts at influence, persuasion and manipulation that are all around us. He gives you the tools and skills toĀ protect yourself and those you care about most.


Podcast: Influence Every Day

Do you want to get to the next level in your communication? To turn everyday moments into impactful and unforgettable change agents?

The Influence Every Day Show is for you if you're ready to level up every relationship you have. Dr. Tori shares his expertise in influence, persuasion, rapport and behavior change each week - small tweaks to your day-to-day interactions that will influence for good. 


TheĀ InfluenceĀ Book Club

Your communication is vital.

Inspiring quotes feel good, but won't change behavior. Book summaries and apps won't either.

But you don't have time to read all of the books you want. The ONLY way to skill-up in your communication is to be deliberate. Take the most important lessons from the best books and turn them into skills.


Webinars & Virtual Keynotes

Your team may be separated, but Dr. Tori can bring them together for engaging and empowering virtual keynotes and fun, educational presentations. Level-up your learning and level-up your relationships. Powerful and immediately actionable.


Engaging Talks & Workshops

Dr. Tori is a highly-sought after speaker and workshop facilitator for non-profit organizations, large corporations and especially health care systems. The material he covers is immediately actionable and applies to work, home, the community, and ... well, wherever there are humans.


1-on-1 High-Performance Influence and Communication Package

Dr. Tori provides high-end coaching to busy professionals who want to simultaneously advance their careers to new heights AND have incredible relationships.

Think it can’t be done? Then this isn’t for you.

Master influence, productivity AND rapport in this personalized program of awesomeness.


One-on-One Influence Consults

You are already going to make that call, send that email, give that presentation, post that marketing piece, or send out that letter. Why not optimize it? Small, strategic edits can yield HUGE differences in results. Why not base those small changes on science and experience? That’s what you get when you get an influence consult. Schedule a single 1:1 consult or set up an Influence Consult Retainer for continued high-touch access to influence expertise.


Free Micro-Course on Influence, Rapport & Improving Your Relationships (All of Them)

7 short, incredibly powerful videos that cover the most vital skills and insights you need to improve every relationship you have - family, friends, colleagues, bosses and, well... everyone.


50% Complete

Two Step

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